SK3W trip

This year the planned SK3W trip involved trying to remove the top two yagis at SK3W in their 60m tower. These are the two yagis that are hardest to work on since the room to lower them is limited. What we ended up doing was to attach the tram wire from the top of the 60m tower onto the Ericsson tower at 16m height. With a winch on the tram wire we could easily tighten it and with the capstan as lifting power this worked great. SM3SGP did all the climbing and I ended up being ground crew giving orders which was also nice 🙂

We simulated the 40m stack while being there and ended up with a design that had 28 ohm feed impedance. The 20m antenna design had already been simulated earlier with a close to 16m long boom. When Gunnar and crew earlier had lowered the lowest 20m yagi they found some cracks in the boom which showed it was time to do a renovation of these antennas for sure.

I also met a bunch of nice hams, SM5EPO, SM3SGP, SM3XIK, SM5IMO, SM6MCW, SM5AJV, SM5OXV, SM0W, SM6U and SM0UKE.

Various summer work, part 1

I’ve been busy at the station and I have gotten quite a bit help which has meant that I have felt too busy to do updates on the website. Now I am having a bit more quiet time so I thought I would do some updates.

Quite a bit has been done, the WIFI link has been fixed and has gotten added lightning protection. The tent that flipped over in a spring storm has been flipped to the right side again by SM2XJP and preperations have been done to build a wooden sun deck. Some carpentry has also been done for work and I have been building some roof over the cable conduit etc.

Some more descriptions on the pictures…

Inband antennas are up

A lot has happened lately. I’ve gotten great help from SM2UVU, SM2LIY and SM2XJP which has resulted in us getting the inband antennas up. It was a bit tricky because we had to lift the whole tower 50mm to get the worm gear under the tower since I hadn’t measured that it actually would fit. I thought it should be obvious it would fit but apparently it was not, poor design.

We also managed to get the 2el 40m assembled and hoisted plus when SM2LIY arrived we also hoisted the homebrew OB16-3 antenna. I spent a whole week down at SJ2W and also made a trip down to Kurt, SE2T where I helped him replace the gamma and coax on his 20m yagi. It was a bit tricky since I could not reach the gamma so I had to shift the whole beam so I could reach it.

I have also managed to get the internet link working again and now also with lightning protection at the top of the tower plus the bottom. I have also added extra shielding which should improve their immunity against interference from the HF bands.

A cabinet was also built for the inband tower to hold all control electronics and batteries.

SM3LIC, SM3UZS and my dad visisted as well which was a blast!

Check the captions of the pictures for more information.

Antenna work, inband rotor and winch

I have gotten great help from SM2UVU the last two weekends and we’ve gotten quite a lot done even though weather was pretty poor last weekend on Saturday. He also had his girlfriend with him which was nice since she and Anna spent time with each other and seemed to have fun.

Me and SM2UVU almost completed the OB16-3 copy. Just some minor stuff left to do such as attaching the boom guys to the center strut and also adding the balun. After that it should be ready to be hoisted, which will hopefully happen quite soon. I also finished the RF choke for the 40m Yagi so that one just needs the hairpin built and it is ready to go up as well. I have some plans to take a week off work soon and hopefully then we can get them mounted on the tower if weather and ground crew allows.

My neighbor called and asked if I needed any construction wood. I said not right now so he said he’d put it away then. When SM2XJP came by and I told him he said “Did you ask if he wasn’t just going to give it to you?”. So I went there and asked the price for it, since I will need it sooner or later. So he told me it was free if I just took it from there which SM2XJP did with the help of the neighbors tractor. It’s great to have such neighbors 🙂 It is quite a lot and the planned rack for aluminium and steel materials seem to be happening this summer 🙂

I got an inverter that I ordered from China to be used on the winch. I tried it and it works great so me and SM2UVU got the 200m of wire onto the drum of the winch. However I took 20m off it later to have a bit more space, since I will never more than 180m. I will also add some plates to make the drum sides a bit higher to minimize the risk of the wire climbing over. But it seems as if we keep the winch aligned properly to the tower that the wire lays out on the drum nicely by itself. Now left to do on it is welding those side plates on plus making the controls for it. Plan is to have one control on the winch itself but also a remote, at first by cable but I have some plans to make a wireless remote as well.

I have also ordered an inverter based gasoline generator which will be super great when working at the inband tower. And with the new inverter for the winch (1-phase to 3-phase) it is possible to run the winch of it.