Inband tower ready to be hoisted!

I arrived at SJ2W on Friday mid day and started with settings up the station for SM2LIY who arrived a bit later, since he was going to run the SAC CW contest. It all went very smoothly, the station is extremely easy to setup for contests now. Only thing that is missing is one or two more amplifiers so I don’t need to borrow for contests. The 5el for 15m has got some issue, I believe its probably the coax since I discovered a damage on one of the pieces of 7/8″. But I figured that SM2LIY could probably manage with the other 42 elements on that band 🙂

I spent most of the weekend preparing the last stuff on the inband tower so it could be lifted next weekend. I fixed the guy wires, added two cables I got from SM2EKM, attached the guy wire ring and the small 1.8m long top section. Now the tower is ready to be lifted and hopefully it will be done on Saturday. I will try to add another coax for an 80m dipole and also a power cable for the 868 MHz link that will be used to control the inband location.

GTL rock once again!

Lots of progress lately, which included getting parts for the guy wire rings to the inband tower, helping SM2EKM taking down a beam, SM2XJP going to get parts galvanized and a bunch of work on the antennas and inband tower. Thanks to SA2CHQ that we got to borrow his trailer to transport the 10m long sections from my place to the inband location. We also got to borrow the L11 Ljungy wheel loader from GTL and got to keep it during the weekend!

Öppet hus / open house

Den 12:e September kommer FURA att komma upp med ett gÀng glada radioamatörer för att hÀlsa pÄ och fÄ en rundtur @SJ2W. Förhoppningsvis kommer det Àven dyka upp folk frÄn andra klubbar, alla som Àr intresserade Àr vÀlkommna!

Adressen Àr VÀstomsundet 111, BurtrÀsk

Inband progress, fun story

This was a fun weekend. Me and Hicco went down to SJ2W already on Thursday evening since I had worked a few hours extra during the week. Tobbe from GTL was going to come on Friday morning and dig holes for me for the inband tower project. He showed up and after a few hours of struggling with rocks we were done.

On Saturday I built the forms and got most of them installed. SA2CHQ also came by to help out a bit which was nice. I spent Sunday welding a re-bar cage to go into the form and got a fixture done for the threaded rods that were going to be used to fix the tower base to the concrete. After I was done with getting the re-bar cage into place I went by my neighbor and sat talking with him for a while when SM2XLL sent me a text asking if he could come for a visit. While he was driving towards SJ2W (40km) I decided to go to the store to buy something when I stopped by at GTL garage since I saw the gate being open. When I stepped in Tobbe (who did the digging on Friday) asked me if I was ready for concrete. The funny thing was that there were also another guy in the garage (Roland) who is the guy who drives the concrete truck. So he said it was just as well to get it done now and not wait until next weekend. So just like that under an hour from driving there until being back at the garage we had poured the concrete, vibrated it and cleaned everything, on a Sunday evening at like 19:30!

The GTL guys are awesome 🙂