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Öppet hus / open house

Den 12:e September kommer FURA att komma upp med ett gäng glada radioamatörer för att hälsa på och få en rundtur @SJ2W. Förhoppningsvis kommer det även dyka upp folk från andra klubbar, alla som är intresserade är välkommna!

Adressen är Västomsundet 111, Burträsk

Info mainly for the Swedes

This is meant mainly for the Swedish viewers of this website but there might be other who could be interested too. I do not only update the posts on this webpage but also a thread on a Swedish forum called e. I think it might be more fun to Swedish viewers to follow that thread (maybe along with the website) but I’ve noticed lots of Swedes do not know about this. I normally might write a bit more on elektronikforumet since I write in Swedish which comes more naturally than I do on the website. The pictures occur at both places though.

So check the thread,

Some trips

The last two weeks have been first a wedding and then last weekend a trip down to SM3 to visit my parents plus pick up a milling machine I got to buy for a good price. It was a brand new Optimum BF20L which is perfect for making some parts for antennas etc. I also got to visit SM3RAB QTH and see his antennas.

This weekend me and SM2UVU have been making some antennas for him and SM2NOG. I will update with pictures from this weekend when the weekend is over since I am planning more work. One of these things are cutting out larger discs to modify the new winch. SM2FQB also gave me a couple of inverters, one one-phase to three phase which will be perfect for the winch and one big that I plan to use on the 60m tower to easy the strain on everything a bit so I can ramp up/down at the starts and stops. So thank you very much Ulf!

SAC SSB coming up!

Hello boys and girls!

SAC SSB this weekend and I will try to run SOAB HP as SJ2W during the contest. I have a sore throat so participation is not 100% but I hope that it will feel better tomorrow since it felt better this morning compared to yesterday. So make sure to look for me on the bands and give me as many points as possible!