Category Archives: Uncategorized - Page 9

House and grounding

Here are some pictures from last weekend when me and the girlfriend worked on the house. She did the painting while I was working on the house. On Sunday SM2XJP showed up and helped out to do a lot of hammering so now the only things left to do is to move the windows out, the details around the windows and paneling above and under the windows, so the big work is finally done.

I bought a tent which was pretty OK for the price, and after a roll of isolation tape its even pretty good. This way I can work outside with welding etc even if its raining and it was also a big help when painting.

I also did attach the guy wires to the grounding system.

(Sorry for the bad quality on the pictures)

Progress on the tower base

I’ve done some progress on the tower base lately. A few of the pictures below are old but they were taken by SM2XJP and they are quite nice, so I thought I’d add them. I also did drill all the holes needed in the H-beams for mounting them to the bearing. It went pretty ok, we’ve got quite good tools at work but I needed to buy a 28mm drill since we didn’t have such a big one.

Now I will transport them down to SJ2W next weekend and test if they fit as they are supposed to. If they do I will weld it.

House and tower work

Now my vacation is over and I am back in LuleƄ at the work QTH. We managed to get some stuff done though. Three sides of the house is not very far from done, a couple of more weekends and then that should be fine. I also started to do work on the base for the 40m military tower project. I basically just cut the H-beam in half and planned how to construct it plus took lots of measurements. I took the H-beam and some other parts with me up to LuleƄ where I have tools to drill the big holes.

I am in need of a 300mm long 60mm thick round bar, if anybody has got one lying around. Thicker is fine too since I still need to machine it.

Donate page added

SM2IUF thought I should add a page on the web where I list stuff that we need at the station. There is probably plenty of stuff not listed that is also needed, so if you have some stuff lying around that you don’t need and feel can be useful for us, please ask because we really appreciate all contributions.

Here is the donation page