Category Archives: Work weekend - Page 4

Workshop progress in August 2018

August 2018 was mainly focused on digging and doing work with the excavator while I had it.

Workshop progress in July 2018

Sorry for being so behind on the updates. My energy level has not been the best and also I spend so little time at the computer now which makes it even harder to make the effort of updating the web page. But I will try to improve and I will try to get updated on all the months up until now before the end of the year. There are big plans and I am hoping to start moving stuff to the new shack now during the Christmas break even though it will take some time to finish it. I have some hope that we could run Russian DX Contest from the new shack, but we will see.

This summer a lot of work as been done revolving around the workshop. I got to borrow an 23 tonne excavator from GTL which was a nice machine to learn in 🙂 I dug about 600m of trench for the heating system to make the workshop a lot cheaper to heat up and also did dig down water lines, coaxes etc. It was an extreme summer with the warmest weather I have experienced. It was tough from the beginning but I felt the body got used to it and as long as I did drink around 5-8 litres of water a day I was fine.

I also spent some time at SM2UVU helping him build his new workshop.

To be continued…

Workshop progress in June 2018

Progress on the workshop during the month of June. Now I am getting ready to start using the workshop. What is left is the epoxi floor and some details around the windows.

Workshop progress in May 2018