Category Archives: Contests - Page 8


This was an amazing contest. I never thought we would be able to beat the result we did in 2011 but we managed. The start of the contest was great, we had huge rates of NA on 20m and the inband (S&P on the running band) worked great with the new coax and vertical. The preamp I bought from DX-engineering was used in the shack to get some more gain on 10/15 since the FT1KMKV has got a bit too low gain on these bands and the IMD of this DX-eng preamp is better than the MKV. SM2LIY ran out with a beverage located 500m away from the TX antennas that seem to work great, it is not long (100m) since it would need to work on 40,80 and 160m and is E/W direction. He heard some JAs on it before the contest so it seems like its working. However it picks up a lot of the TX signal so we might need to put up some loop with null towards the TX antennas in the future, or maybe the RX-array that SA0AZT donated.

The gang were the usual suspects (SE2T, SM2LIY, SM2WMV and SM3JLA) except SM2UVU who is a new addition. SM2UVU did well in his fourth contest ever and we see a lot of potential in him and considering that he is not just very competetive and eager to get better, he’s also a great engineer that will be a big asset in various projects at SJ2W.

In the CW part we will also be M/S and my hopes are to try to break our own Scandinavian record and hopefully manage 6000q for the first time, lets keep our fingers crossed that we get to experience propagation’s close to what we saw in the SSB part, which was just amazing.

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: SJ2W
Station: SJ2W

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Da Traesk
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   78    14       62
   80:  265    23       89
   40: 1008    37      120
   20: 2923    38      149
   15: 1932    39      142
   10: 1579    40      151
Total: 7785   191      713  Total Score = 16,646,256

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters


Ojojoj amazing propagations. I thought our score from 2011 would be impossible
for us to beat, but with even better propagations this year (?) it was
achieved. Great fun indeed, this is really the contests of contests.

 80m: 4-SQ
 40m: 3/3el   + 2/2el 4-SQ
 20m: 6/6/6el + 5/5el 4el @EU
 15m: 6/6el   + 5el
 10m: 6/6el   + 6el @46m

2xFT1000MKV + FT-5000
ACOM 2000A (Sponsored by Ojojoj Music AB) + 4CX1500B + Expert SPE


New SM Record!

                 CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: SJ2W
Operator(s): SM2LIY SM2WMV
Station: SJ2W

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Da Traesk
Operating Time (hrs): ?

 Band  QSOs  State/Prov  DX   Zones
   80:  218       19      50    13
   40:  579       49      88    30
   20:  780       53      98    34
   15:  945       54      91    34
   10:  311       34      67    28
Total: 2833      209     394   139  Total Score = 5,388,404

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters


Not a planned effort and the first RTTY contest at SJ2W. I made a cable for the
TI-5 interface on Friday evening and we were planning on testing it a bit. It
ended up with an effort more of DX mode type than a serious M/S effort with no
mult radio, so I believe we lost a lot of RUN QSOs because of chasing mults.
SM2LIY did most of the operating while I was out working on getting the station
ready for CQWW SSB which also included a trip to SK2AU to change the coaxes in
their tower. However I did a few hours time to time when SM2LIY needed some
rest and I enjoyed it, so we might be doing some serious RTTY in the future as

We enjoyed the excellent propagations, can't get much better than this with
these kind of SFI numbers, 15m was THE band. Hopefully the same type of
propagations show up in the CQWW SSB in a month.

It was also fun to follow the battle between our northern friends OH8A on

New claimed SM record

80m: 4-SQ
40m: 3/3el + 4-SQ
20m: 6/6/6el + 4el @EU
15m: 6/6el + 5el
10m: 6/6el + 6el @46m

FT1000MKV + 4CX1500B + TI-5 interface

Check the website for information of the projects at SJ2W,


New SM record!

Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW

Call: SJ2W
Operator(s): SM2LIY
Station: SJ2W

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Da Traesk
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  280    35
   40:  652    58
   20:  961    67
   15:  361    57
   10:   36    20
Total: 2290   237  Total Score = 1,279,089

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters


This was fun!
Had the opportunity to work the contest this year again from the nice station
SJ2W, thanks Mike. Was in the NTC team for Sweden, and was fun to watch the
race on My goal was to put in a new SOABHP SM record, old record
was by Rainer 7S2E from 2002, and goal achieved.
First time with N1MM and SO2R so was a bit rusty in beginning, made too few
moves in beginning so lost many mults in comparision to OH2BH and OH8X.

The conditions were fine almost all the time, only 10m was not in best shape.
Maybe missed some mults on 10m because of the hard qrm from the radar from SE
direction on sunday. Some nice surprising moves, PJ4 with Nigel G3TXF worked on
4 bands, and 9M6XRO showed up last 10 minutes for a double mult, thanks guys.

 80m: 4-SQ
 40m: 3/3el   + 4-SQ
 20m: 6/6/6el + 4el @EU
 15m: 6/6el   + 5el
 10m: 6/6el   + 6el @46m
All controlled by openASC antenna switch controller built by Mike SJ2W.
Had a lack of one antenna on 20m, since we are buildning a new tower for 40/20
which is not finished yet, so the 5 el for 20 is now in that tower with another
5 el, but not connected yet. 

Radios: 2xFT1000MP MKV with SJ2W SO2R controller
Amps:   4CX1500B + ACOM 2000A (Sponsored by Ojojoj Music AB)
Software: N1MM and streaming sound with Live encoder 3.2 for the sound feed.

Thanks for all qsos, will be put on LoTW and eqsl, and if paper needed
direct via SM2LIY.

73 / Per SM2LIY

CQ WPX CW 2013 score

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: SJ2W
Operator(s): LB3HC SE2T SM2LIY SM2WMV
Station: SJ2W

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Da Traesk
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs
  160:   73
   80:   96
   40:  536
   20: 1831
   15:  462
   10:   45
Total: 3043  Prefixes = 1051  Total Score = 5,904,518

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters


Horrible propagations, we had about half of last years score. Barely any DX runs
except a bit on Sunday but nothing even close to spectacular. This one is a
contest we will decide to totally forget.

We had LB3HC as guest operator and he did a lot of operating and was a nice
addition to the team.

Our concept of working QSOs S&P on the running band need to be improved. We
had IMD issues with the preamp for the vertical located 500m away. So we had to
put attenuation before it and could only copy the very strongest signals. So I
will pull out 7/8" coax and start thinking about having a better antenna
system there too. Only about 400Q was worked "inband" because of

Thanks for the QSOs!

160m: 39mh vertical
 80m: 4-SQ
 40m: 3/3el   + 4-SQ
 20m: 6/6/6el + 5el  + 4el @EU
 15m: 6/6el   + 5el
 10m: 6/6el   + 6el @46m

QSX: Vertical 500m away for listening to the same band

Radios: 2xFT1000MP MKV + TS480
Amps:   4CX1500B + ACOM 2000A (Sponsored by Ojojoj Music AB)