Category Archives: Electronics - Page 10

Quite a bit done

Quite a bit has been done lately but I have as lately been bad at updating the website. I will try to improve now during my vacation. SM2UVU was @SJ2W and we cut and drilled some antenna material for a couple of beams for him and also a beam for SM2NOG (he is building a WARC duoband 5+6el 12/17 of my design).

Me and SM2NOG went on a trip up to SM2EKM where we picked up a 30m tower with ~50cm side. Plan is to weld cross braces on it and make it rotatable and use it for inband. The tower will hold a copy of an OB16-3 tribander and also a 2el fullsize for 40m.

I also had some relatives visiting me and quite of a few of them are interested in technical stuff so I believe they had fun at the station. The only bad thing was that when they were about to leave Aragon (my dads dog) tried to take Hiccos (our dog) favorite toy which ended up in a dog fight with blood as an outcome. It went well though but it will be interesting this weekend when they will meet again.

I have also done some work on the new winch. Me and SM2UVU cut new sides for it to make it take more wire and I welded those into place. Also since the winch is quite heavy I have welded wheels on the base for it so I can roll it around. So when I will use it I need to hook it into some solid object so it does not move, since it is not heavy enough on its own.

I also fixed the stackbox that was burned up just prior to WPX CW so now it will be installed again and the switching is fully functional again.

Drivers license, yay!

A lot has happened lately and the major thing is that I finally signed up at a drivers school to get my drivers license. SM2XJP has driven me around so much during the years and now I got tired of being dependent on others so I went to a drivers school after my girlfriend Anna had heard some recommendation of it. And seven lessons after I had my license, it took about a month and was a lot easier than I expected. Me and SM2XJP looked at a few cars and we finally found one that we both liked. It’s a 2006 VW Caddy so I can load a lot of stuff 🙂

Here is an update of the stuff that has happened lately. Now with summer more updates and here is the first for the summer.

Finally an update

Its been a lot going on this winter. Me and a couple of friends have started a company that I’ve been working a bit in so I have had less time to spend on the radio projects. The QBL project is at an stand still because of lack of motivation which is partly because the labs at work are a big mess now since they are re-building the whole house so everything is temporary and a big mess.

However some progress is being made and I am planning and starting to work a bit on the summer projects. The house need to be finished outdoor, so that is the higher priority this spring as soon as we get > +5C degrees we can paint the boards and get that work done.

Plans for 2015
    * Repair top 6el for 20m in the 6/6/6el stack
    * Put up 28m tower for inband, need to be rebuilt and made rotatable
    * Put up 5el monobanders on 10, 15 and 20m. 2el fullsize for 40m.
    * Put up vertical for 80m+160m for inband
    * Put up HI-Z 4-SQ RX array (donated by SA0AZT)
    * Maybe prepare for moving the 80m 4-SQ in 2016

So lots of stuff to be done but hopefully we get good weather this summer as well!

Russian DX was also worked and it was an success,

                    Russian DX Contest

Call: SJ2W
Operator(s): LB3HC SE2T SM2LIY SM2WMV
Station: SJ2W

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Da Traesk
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:   164     4       41        47
   80:   387   102       62        64
   40:   534   305       83        71
   20:   619   280       86        72
   15:   395   159       86        72
   10:   143    15       70        50
Total:  2242   865      428       376  Total Score = 16,704,708

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters


Fun as usual. I believe we did a better effort than last year, however
propagations were not as good and 10m was a real challenge to get the QSOs and
mults, mostly worked on side scatter. Also last year we had pretty even QSO
numbers between SSB and CW, maybe we should have done a bit more SSB this year
to keep rate up. We are quite pleased with the outcome and we will see who else
in EU have been M/S to see if we can place top 3 this year again. Wish more
teams joined the fun with the scoreboard.

160m: 39m vert
80m: 4-SQ
40m: 3/3el + 2/2el + 4-SQ
20m: 6/6/6el + 5/5el + 4el @EU
15m: 6/6/6/6/6el + 6/6el + 5el
10m: 6/6el + 6el @46m
8 beverages

FT1000MKV + ACOM 2000 (Sponsored by Ojojoj Music AB)
FT2000 + ACOM 1000
K3 for inband
N1MM+ Logger

SAC results + updates

The results from the Scandinavian Activity Contest were published today and we managed to with both CW and SSB in Sweden. I also managed to get #1 in Scandinavia. Last time a Swede won SAC SSB was in 1982 so It was about time and hopefully I can repeat this more times. SM2LIY placed #1 in Sweden in CW and #4 in Scandinavia. More info on

One of the winter storms tore off half of the reflector on the top 20m yagi, so some repairs need to be done this summer. I think I will replace all elements just to be safe since it is quite a task to lower the antenna to fix it. I might use the old elements for a less critical beam, maybe a 17m yagi? 🙂

I have been working a lot lately so not much progress on stuff at the station. However spring is approaching and I will start to prepare for the summer projects where the main task will be fixing the last stuff on the house outside and also trying to get the inband tower up. I have a 5el for 20 and 10m but I am in need of a 5el for 15m as well. If I can’t get hold of one used I will build one plus also a 2el for 40m. The tower is a WIBE tower that I got in a trade from SM2EKM that is 28m high and I will weld some reinforcements on it so we can make it rotatable.