Category Archives: Electronics - Page 9

Web shop and improved designs!

I have added a webshop to make it easier to order products and also to keep it more easy for me to keep track of things. I have also made some revisions of the boards. Plus there is also a possibility to buy complete switches from me now, however I normally don’t keep them in stock but build upon requests.

6x2 v4.1

6×2 v4.1

6×1 v3.1
The 6×1 has gotten a lot improved performance on the higher bands and then mainly 6m. I believe the current performance is among the best on the market if not the best.

6×2 v4.1
The 6×2 has got mainly easier to build. It is custom made for a standard type of box that does exist from various manufacturers. It has also got a new interlock board that can be mounted directly on top of the 6×2 RF-board with some longer standoffs. It has got slightly improved isolation performance and improved insertion loss. The compensation coil has now gotten an own spot on the circuit board as well. It should now work also on 6m with good performance.

Stacker v3
The stacker has gotten some improvement mainly when using a single antenna. The insertion loss has been lowered with better RF-design and it is also easier to build now when there is no need to solder jumper wires as previously.

And there is also a “new” addition soon of a high isolation AB selector switch. This is built similar as a single port of a 6×2 switch that can be used to expand the antenna switch system to four radios or it can be used together with two 6×1 switches to create a 6×2 with extremely high isolation. However not available yet.

Go to the Web shop

Finally an update!

I have been lazy updating the website lately, sorry for that. I have been very busy with a lot of different things and not much interesting stuff has happened down at SJ2W. I had planned to work SOAB in CQWW SSB but after messing with the WIFI-link during whole Friday I felt exhausted and ran extremely low on motivation so I spent the weekend doing other stuff instead. We have however gotten the WIFI-link to work UFB now, I have 97/97 MBit at SJ2W and the ping from the work QTH down to SJ2W is 4ms (!).

SM2NOG came by and we put up a rotatable dipole that I got a few years ago from SM2XLL. We figured that antenna would be a lot better at 30m height than the current vertical we have been using for inband. I did listen a bit and could get very close to our CQ frequency and still be able to hear people well on 20-10m. It does not work at all on the lowbands, so I will need to hook up the switch and the other vertical for that.

SM2EKM needed some climbing help at his QTH so I brought with me the climbing gear up north to the work QTH and since I was staying in Luleå a weekend (for the first time since early summer) I went to him and we put up a new 9el for 6m that he built (YU7EF design). It was icy and cold but it went very well and we were finished well before sunset.

WB4RFQ also came to visit. It was very fun because he emailed me and told me since he worked for Facebook he would come and visit Luleå for work. He wanted to get a tour of the station and I made him aware of SJ2W being 180km from Luleå (where I work) but he did not mind. I also asked him if he was allergic to dogs since I would have Hicco down at SJ2W for the weekend since Anna was traveling, but he did not mind. He came and we went for pizza, I gave him the tour and he told me some of the plans they have for a Club station in San Fransisco.

I have also worked some on a few electronic projects and I hope that I will get time during the XMAS break to start building on the QBL amplifier again.

Plans for CQWW CW will be that I will do SOSB 20m unassisted with SO2R inband setup and SM2LIY will do SOSB 15m assisted I believe. So make sure to work SJ2W and SM2M during CQWW CW!

Inband tower ready to be hoisted!

I arrived at SJ2W on Friday mid day and started with settings up the station for SM2LIY who arrived a bit later, since he was going to run the SAC CW contest. It all went very smoothly, the station is extremely easy to setup for contests now. Only thing that is missing is one or two more amplifiers so I don’t need to borrow for contests. The 5el for 15m has got some issue, I believe its probably the coax since I discovered a damage on one of the pieces of 7/8″. But I figured that SM2LIY could probably manage with the other 42 elements on that band 🙂

I spent most of the weekend preparing the last stuff on the inband tower so it could be lifted next weekend. I fixed the guy wires, added two cables I got from SM2EKM, attached the guy wire ring and the small 1.8m long top section. Now the tower is ready to be lifted and hopefully it will be done on Saturday. I will try to add another coax for an 80m dipole and also a power cable for the 868 MHz link that will be used to control the inband location.

GTL rock once again!

Lots of progress lately, which included getting parts for the guy wire rings to the inband tower, helping SM2EKM taking down a beam, SM2XJP going to get parts galvanized and a bunch of work on the antennas and inband tower. Thanks to SA2CHQ that we got to borrow his trailer to transport the 10m long sections from my place to the inband location. We also got to borrow the L11 Ljungy wheel loader from GTL and got to keep it during the weekend!