Category Archives: Audio/Video - Page 4

PA3GEG recording

PA3GEG sent me a recording from the CQWW DX SSB 2011 contest. It is SM2LIY who is the operator and you can hear that first he is transmitting with the 6/6/6el stack at USA and also the 4el fixed at Europe while working PA3GEG. But when some US stations call he switches over to just the stack which you can hear very clearly since his signal drops by a large amount.

Here is a also a recording I found on youtube. This time its me (SM2WMV) as operator next to RL3A who you hear in the beginning of the clip.

Do you know of more recording with SJ2W in them? Please send me the information,

SJ2W recorded in LU

This was recorded when SM2LIY was operating the Northern Activity Contest in October. The contest occurs the first Thursday of each month. Seems like it was rather good propagation’s during this contest towards LU.

I don’t know the callsign of the station who recorded except that he was in Argentina and used a dipole at 5m height.

If you have the possibility to record us when we are on the air it is very appreciated. It is always fun to hear how we sound on the other side!

TJ9PF JA pileup on 160m

SM2LIY recorded this listening remote with SJ2W beverage antennas. The antenna was a 700m long beverage facing towards Japan and the time was around 21z.

Some construction videos

I haven’t done any videos in a long time so I thought it was time for it. I think these things can be fun to watch, atleast for me to look back at what we have done.

18.5m long boom for the 20m 6el

The assembled yagi

The lights on the yard I installed a couple of weeks ago, helps a lot…