This legislation is complemented by other EU rules aimed at reducing technical barriers and promoting market integration in the EU, including access to the marine equipment market and harmonising professional qualification requirements in the maritime sector. As an island state, the UK has been dependent on the sea throughout history for its trade and defence, and strong traditions of commercial navigation can go back hundreds of years. The UK shipping sector consists of several different but interconnected sub-sectors across the country, including a large and diversified port sector, which mainly supports domestic imports and exports throughout the economy; A smaller maritime sector that serves both domestic and international markets, including the oil and gas sector; a leading global maritime services group, based in the United Kingdom, which primarily supports international shipping; and a maritime sector linked to the United Kingdom, which includes the production of marine equipment to support shipbuilding worldwide, shipbuilding (where a number of British companies operate in high-value niche markets such as super yachts) and ship repair. The UK is also the world leader in maritime education and research. Article 170 of the TFUE provides for the establishment and development of trans-European networks (TEN), including transport (TEN-T), to ensure the coherence, interconnection and interoperability of the trans-European transport network and access to this network. Regulation (EC) 1315/2013 defines an EU-wide transport network that covers key modes of transport (including roads, rail, aviation and maritime transport) and sets standards for transport infrastructure, with timeliness of implementation. The TEN-T is also a priority of EU transport legislation. Has. Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (or CETA) 50, the ue-Canada trade agreement. Chapter 1451 deals with international maritime services and establishes a framework for the regulation of the maritime market between the EU and Canada.
It includes measures to ensure equal access to ports and promote fair competition in the provision of commercial services provided by ships; The agreement came into force in 2008 and aims to improve the conditions for transporting sea freight to and from China. It contains provisions to promote the freedom to provide maritime transport services, open access to cargo and cross-trade, and access (and non-discriminatory) access to the use of ports and ancillary services; and (c) EU-US agreement on mutual recognition of certificates of compliance for marine equipment.53 This agreement aims to facilitate trade between the European Union and the United States in marine equipment by allowing European Union producers to approve their products for the U.S. market with a compliance agency in accordance with the M.E.D.