c. When a verb belongs separately to two or more subjects, it often corresponds to one and is understood with the others. In Hungarian, verbs have a polypersonal concordance, which means that they correspond to more than one of the arguments of the verb: not only its subject, but also its object (accusative). There is a difference between the case where a particular object is present and the case where the object is indeterminate or if there is no object at all. (Adverbs have no influence on the form of the verb.) Examples: Szeretek (I love someone or something indeterminate), szeretem (I love him, she, or her, or her, specifically), szeretlek (I love you); szeret (he loves me, me, you, someone or something indeterminate), szereti (he loves him, her or her especially). Of course, names or pronouns can specify the exact object. In short, there is agreement between a verb and the person and the number of its subject and the specificity of its object (which often refers more or less precisely to the person). 8. Translate the present Tense. There are several possible English translations of the contemporary Latin form. While Latin has only the simple form of the present (habeo – “I have”), English has not only the simple present, but also the continuous form or in-process (“I have”) and the affirmative form (“I have”), which is mainly used with negations (“I did not”). Please note that for now, the only form of continuous that applies here is the one that uses the -ing verb form: “I`m coming,” “they`re going.” Simple, continuous and affirmative translations are all acceptable – sometimes different contexts for each – the translation of contemporary Latin verbs into English.
My question is: If English constructions can exist in Latin, such as the following English constructions, which date from Jespersen (1909-1949, vol. V: 138), that is, constructions in which (i) the subject is formed by a plural substrate plus a mandatory/predictive participatory “dominant” predictive, but (ii) that is in character form. Note that it is not the two old men themselves who are funny, but the fact that they are dealing with an inappropriate subject. Therefore, a singular agreement (seems) is justified. B. A verb sometimes corresponds in number (and a participatory in the verb in number and sex) with an appositive or predictive name. The adjectives correspond in terms of sex and number with the nouns they change into French. As with verbs, chords are sometimes displayed only in spelling, as forms written with different modes of concordance are sometimes pronounced in the same way (z.B pretty, pretty); Although, in many cases, the final consonan is pronounced in female forms, but mute in male forms (z.B. small vs. small). Most plural forms end in -s, but this consonant is pronounced only in contexts of connection, and these are determinants that help to understand whether it is the singular or the plural.
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