I did mill the front panel for the control amplifier electronics as well today. It was a pretty quick task and the front has got room for 13 pcs of 9-pole D-SUB connectors which will be used for various electronics and 3-4 of them has got no intended function but just added as extra in case of future modifications. I also added 2 BNC for the openASC bus, 2 BNC for the power meter and a BNC for the PTT input.
Now I need to buy some D-SUB connectors and start making cables to the controller card. I will begin with making the control box I built previously to be hooked up to the device and also add the power supplies that will be needed (24v, 12v, 5v).
The whole idea of making it all in a 19″ rack casing is to make it easy to just unplug everything from the amplifier and take it with me up here if I need to do some work on it. Instead of needing to take the electronics out of the amp and have no easy way of testing it on the bench.
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