Time is 02:14 local time when I write this. Have been working a lot of DX today, about 80 NA worked and about 10 JAs on 80M, most of them during the day. I hope propagations hold up tomorrow too.
SM2XJP and SM2XLL came over while I was putting up shelves in the shack and they helped me out. I think the result is pretty nice, even though it’s a lot still left to do. Beside each monitor the antenna switch controller will be located (openASC) which will control pretty much everything at the station. The radios will probably vary a bit since it’s not many of them that are left at the QTH outside contests. The computer that is located by one monitor will be moved behind the fake wall later. It’s the current router and will also be the computer which controls the two radios that will be used for remote (two IC-7400). I am also building a set of digital power meters which will be used at each operating position. They have remote pickups that will be located in the basement in the amplifier room so that we don’t need to put cables into the shack that are not needed.
We have gotten about 60cm of snow here and I had to shovel a lot of snow and considering that it was 0 degrees made it worse. I had to go out and remove snow from the guy supports for the 80m verticals and I also hit the verticals and a lot of snow fell off them. Here are some pictures…
The roof over the door for the antenna switch room looks tired
The house covered in snow
Looking down where the 160M vert is lying, need to remove the snow from it
More snow in SM2 winter “daylight”
Center post of the 4-SQ
This is the half square for 30M, it seem to be a bit too low right now.
More to come…
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