This weekend we had planned to run a few qsos in the SAC SSB contest while working on the outside projects to get ready for the contest season begins for real. SM2LIY did 90% of the operating in the contest while me and SM3JLA focused on getting the chimney fixed but also getting the 4-1000A amp to run on 160 so we can try out the new top band antenna. On Sunday SE2T also showed up to help us out and did cut down some trees to free up space to hoist antennas into the tower and also helped with assembling a part of the 40m yagi.
We managed to get the amp working but we need to do some adjustments to get it working on 80m again since we needed to remove a capacitor because it was at the wrong place when 160m was added. This will easily be fixed with a vacuum relay though. Propagations were terrible though when the amp was ready for action but we managed to get qsos with TO7RJ (with SJ2W, SM2LIY and SM3JLA) and also 9M2AX and VK4MM. However I will need to do some more testing before I will give out a statement on how well the place works on 160m. Maybe this weekend me and SM2LIY might do some comparisons between SK2AT and SJ2W with the help of Dave, N2NL. So Stay tuned for those results…
Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB
Call: SJ2W
Operator(s): SM2LIY, SM2WMV, SM3JLA, SE2T, SA2AWO
Station: SJ2W
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Da Traesk
Operating Time (hrs): 20
Band QSOs Mults
Total: 1427 175 Total Score = 577,325
Club: Top of Europe Contesters
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