
On this page we try to post the plans we have at the station. However the future goals and plans of what to be done might change, since we notice when we work contests what is needed and what is not. Also a lot of work is done to simulate different antennas combinations to make sure we cover most elevation angles and making the station highly flexible. So the plans for the “near” future are posted here and is kind of our road map. The equipment in bold is already put up.

Plans for 2024

  1. Fix broken beverages
  2. Put up the new 46m rotatable tower
  3. Build and put up 6/6/6el 15m, 5el 17m, 5el 12m, 3x8el 6m
  4. Build and put up 7el for 10m @60m in the Moskojärvi tower
  5. Build 5el mono for 20m and add instead of the warc duobander in the moskojärvi tower, completing it being a 5/5el stack at 40/23m
  6. Improve RX antennas for inband

All of these goals will likely not be completed during 2024

“End goal”
    160m: 4-SQ
    80m: 2el + 4-SQ
    40m: 3/3el + 2/2el + 4-SQ
    20m: 6/6/6el + 5/5el + 4el
    15m: 6/6/6/6/6el + 6/6/6el + 6/6el
    10m: 7/7/7el + 7el @60m + 6el @45m (probably change to 7el with better BW at some point)

    Inband: OB16-3, 2el for 40m and verts for 80/160m