Various stuff
25 Photos
33 Photos
Moving stuff
11 Photos
Various stuff, openSRI, antennas, switches etc
45 Photos
House work and assembly of the 2el 40
23 Photos
WARC beam finished up and ready to be mounted
Carpentry, WARC beam up, tower work
40 Photos
Antenna building, rotor converted & winch progress
Inband antennas up and more
108 Photos
Various summer work
52 Photos
Trip down to SK3W
78 Photos
Various work in the summer
85 Photos
Inband electronics, APRS, tower climb, Hi-Z array work
77 Photos
SM2OAN adventure
44 Photos
Some various project pictures
15 Photos
SM2OAN, carpentry, RX-array
79 Photos
SM2EKM and RX-array work
29 Photos
RX-array, inband
30 Photos
Fixing the rotor for the moskojärvi tower
28 Photos
71 Photos
Various work, mainly on the inband tower and also some pictures from CQWW CW
Various of new antenna switch and other stuff
10 Photos
Gallery – 2016
Various stuff
25 Photos
Various stuff
33 Photos
Moving stuff
11 Photos
Various stuff, openSRI, antennas, switches etc
45 Photos
House work and assembly of the 2el 40
23 Photos
WARC beam finished up and ready to be mounted
25 Photos
Carpentry, WARC beam up, tower work
40 Photos
Antenna building, rotor converted & winch progress
45 Photos
Inband antennas up and more
108 Photos
Various summer work
52 Photos
Trip down to SK3W
78 Photos
Various work in the summer
85 Photos
Inband electronics, APRS, tower climb, Hi-Z array work
77 Photos
SM2OAN adventure
44 Photos
Some various project pictures
15 Photos
SM2OAN, carpentry, RX-array
79 Photos
SM2EKM and RX-array work
29 Photos
RX-array, inband
30 Photos
Fixing the rotor for the moskojärvi tower
28 Photos
71 Photos
Various work, mainly on the inband tower and also some pictures from CQWW CW
25 Photos
Various of new antenna switch and other stuff
10 Photos