The propagations have been absolutely amazing this weekend on 160m! SM2LIY who is here with me worked over 100 NA stations during the night and worked 40 states on 160m! I worked 68 JA stations yesterday evening and some NA stations in the morning. TX3A was logged on 160 and 80m without any problems at all, peaking s9 on both bands. I also managed to work the last countries to complete dxcc on 160m which is a lot of fun, now next goal will be WAZ.
We have gotten some 10cm of wet snow this weekend which made antenna work a bit more difficult. I put up two more spotlights outside (400W) so now I have great light outside so I can work in the evenings with such work as antennas etc. A total of 1300W can be turned on which makes the yard light up really well. Today I put together the boom for the middle 20m yagi in the stack and I hope to complete it tomorrow.
Here are some pictures
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